We are happy to present professor Jonathan Wareham from ESADE Business & Law Schools, Sant Cugat, Spain. He is one of the persons behind the famous ATTRACT programme at CERN. ATTRACT is a pioneering initiative bringing together Europe’s fundamental research and industrial communities to lead the next generation of detection and imaging technologies.
Jonathan Wareham’ s research has been published, or is forthcoming, in over 80 refereed journals and proceedings. He serves as Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly, and has held/holds editorial positions with Information Systems Research, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information & Organization and Journal of Strategic Information Systems. He has served as Director of the ESADE Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management. In addition, he sits on the advisory boards for a number of academic institutions, NGOs and social entrepreneurs.
Jonathan Wareham’s talk will focus on what Europe does have and can do and how to cultivate the next generation of European technology innovation.
Join us and get inspired.
Tuesday 25 June 2019 from 14:00 to 15:00
Inspirational talk - Q&A - cake