Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship has just released a new platform for submitting Entrepreneurial Thesis proposals, where DTU students can apply for writing a thesis (BEng, BSc, MSc level) with the entrepreneurial development of a startup as its main topic, as an add-on to an engineering thesis, or just studying entrepreneurship as a research phenomenon.
DTU’s president, Anders O. Bjarklev, stated at his speech at the DTU Commemoration 2019, “DTU Entrepreneurship will provide entrepreneurial opportunities to all DTU students”.
Following this, Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship has just released a new platform for submitting Entrepreneurial Thesis proposals, where all DTU students can apply for writing a thesis (BEng, BSc, MSc level) with the entrepreneurial development of a startup as its main topic, as an add-on to an engineering thesis, or just studying entrepreneurship as a research phenomenon.
DTU Entrepreneurship will offer supervision/co-supervision for 3 types of theses:
Here students can research about any topic related to entrepreneurship for example
- Venture Capital and other ways of funding start-ups
- Growth models for entrepreneurship in different industry sectors
- Entrepreneurial mindset
- Entrepreneurship education
- Entrepreneurial Team dynamics
- Social entrepreneurship focusing on the SDGs
This is for students who want a traditional engineering thesis but also recognize that the research/technology has real implication and impact. In this type of thesis, the students further develop their technology or the one from a researcher they are assisting, and investigate in what areas it can be implemented. Students can think of it as an add-on to a traditional engineering thesis, where a co-supervisor from DTU Entrepreneurship will guide them in analyzing economic and societal impact of a technology. The main supervisor would be from the student’s own DTU department.
This thesis type is for student founders who are running a start-up while studying at DTU. The student concentrates on business development including for example, how to achieve growth of the start-up. DTU Entrepreneurship provides the main supervision with co-supervision from the student’s own DTU department.
"DTU Entrepreneurship expects to supervise and co-supervise (with other departments) over 30 theses a year related to entrepreneurship"
DTU Entrepreneurship
DTU Entrepreneurship also offers students the opportunity of writing a thesis on a topic provided by the Centre.
DTU Entrepreneurship expects to supervise and co-supervise (with other departments) over 30 theses a year related to entrepreneurship.
Finally, DTU Entrepreneurship will open for applications to create Project Courses (special courses) with entrepreneurship as the driving factor. This is to further develop the entrepreneurial aspect of an idea or technology, or to mature the development of an early-stage start-up. Students from any study level can apply for this type of courses via the same platform as the thesis platform.